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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Markets Turning Unstable Again

The markets are showing signs of volatility and instability again. Don't pay attention to the American spin about a typo causing the problems. Well before the alleged typo at 2:30PM EST, the Asian and European markets were all over the place, oil was down sharply and gold was up in spite of amazing US dollar strength. The Canadian dollar was down 4 cents before trimming losses to 3 cents for the day. I won't even get into ballooning CDS spreads on European sovereign debt. Oh, and look at the Euro, courtesy of Zerohedge. These are all signs of markets in disarray.

The world's central bankers have a lot of tigers by the tails and things seem to be coming unglued once again. The potential Greek default is only one scene in the show. Massive debt worldwide, private and sovereign, combined with huge leverage, derivatives, bubbles created by artificially cheap money and years of lies and manipulation are slowly backing the banksters and their obliging central banks into a tighter and tighter corner. However, lest you think that they won't find a temporary way out yet again, please remember something I learned many years ago - "A politician up a tree is a very resourceful creature". It applies equally well to central bank governors and especially Wall Street. These folks have managed to put off the day of reckoning many times already. Can they do it again?