The world financial and securities trading systems are increasingly being characterized by massive interventions and manipulations. If governments or government agencies are doing it, it's called "intervention". Coupled with rising fear and uncertainty regarding the stability of the world's financial systems, this has resulted in increasingly chaotic and volatile market conditions with wildly gyrating markets.
Unfortunately, again, none of these interventions and bailouts address the root causes of the problems which include debt, fraud and mismanagement on a broad scale across most nations. We continue to fight the symptoms and to attack the markets themselves in a form of shoot-the-messenger syndrome.
While much breast-thumping continues from world capitals about new regulations governing banks and market players, existing rules are not being enforced. Governments themselves openly break their own rules that were established for good reason in the first place.
My advice to retail investors: Stay away! You cannot compete with governments and hedge funds with massive resources and instant computerized trading capability creating an increasingly frenetic and schizophrenic marketplace. I get the feeling that a series of collapses will occur in a number of markets because everything is so artificial with normal markets pushed, pulled, constrained or strangled. Free markets are basically gone for the time being. Governments are the worst offenders in all this, beginning with the so-called zero-interest policy (ZIRP) which robs the world's middle-class savers who can either toss the dice in the increasingly casino-like stock and bond markets or park their savings in cash to take a loss after taxes and inflation.
The beneficiaries of most of these ill-conceived policies, on the other hand, comprise the irresponsible, incompetent and fraudulent. It seems clear to me that only a major collapse in a number of markets would finally force governments to their senses. Sad.