Blog on financial, economic & monetary issues with a focus on gold & silver.
Friday, June 3, 2011
QE3 Gets Closer as U.S. Economic Indicators Falter
As economic storm clouds gather (see CNBC for example), pressure mounts on the Federal Reserve to launch QE3. They will deny and obfuscate as long as possible but at a certain point they will mount their white stallions again and sally forth to the "rescue". Trillions more will be printed and trillions more in debt accumulated. Currencies, stock/bond markets and commodities will gyrate. Gold and silver will make new highs while U.S. credit ratings will be downgraded. But I'm getting ahead of myself a bit. The economic situation and especially the stock markets will first need to suffer a bit, enough to be noticed by the general public, maybe even some panic drops in market values, for example. Political and public consensus will then build around the new imperative of QE3 although it may be called something else to avoid the obvious embarrassment of creating a string of failed initiatives.